Making Test Transactions with WorldPay
You must already have set up your WorldPay Payment Response before making test transactions. You will need to test both payment cancellation and payment completion.
Testing Cancellations
The WorldPay payment page includes a cancellation button, allowing shoppers to continue shopping, change their order or to contact the merchant without completing the purchase. The cancellation button uses the WorldPay Payment Response. The FastCart payment response system includes it's own built in Order Cancellation page for use with the WorldPay Payment Response. You need to test that you have set up your WorldPay account correctly to use the FastCart payment response and display the Order Cancellation page correctly.
Add some items from your site to your FastCart shopping cart, then proceed through the FastCart checkout to the WorldPay payment page (if you have the new WorldPay system, click the MasterCard button to reach the payment page). Then click the Cancel Purchase button. You should be sent back to the FastCart Order Cancellation page. If so, check that the buttons to Return to Store, Cart and Checkout work as they should do. If you do not see the Order Cancellation page, then you have not set up your WorldPay Payment Response properly - check your settings and try again.
Making Test Transactions
Before making test transactions through FastCart and your WorldPay account, you should ensure that you have set Test Mode to 100 in the FastCart control panel. This will allow you to make as many transactions as you want without incurring transaction charges.
To make a test transaction through your account, add items from your site to your FastCart shopping cart. Proceed through the FastCart checkout to your WorldPay payment page (if you have the new WorldPay system, click the MasterCard button to reach the payment page). Enter the credit card number as:
Set the expiry date to 05 2026 (or any other date in the future), enter a name for the cardholder, and check that the name and address details are also entered (these should have been sent across from FastCart). You must also ensure that you have entered
your own email address. If all details are correct, click
Make Payment.
If all is well, you should be redirected to the FastCart Order Completed page. You should also receive a number of emails:
one from WorldPay to the merchant (you) saying the payment has been processed and showing AVS results
one from WorldPay to the shopper (also you) saying that WorldPay have processed the payment
one from FastCart to the merchant (you) with the customer and order details
If you do not return to the FastCart Order Confirmation or Order Cancellation page, then you have not set up your WorldPay Payment Response properly. Check your settings and try again.
If you see the FastCart Order Completion page but do not receive emails, see the
FastCart email help page.