Help! - Missing Orders
If you do not know what the customer has ordered, you need to follow the instructions on this page to resolve problems as quickly as possible.
Missing Orders - Step by Step
You should receive emails from both WorldPay and FastCart after each transaction. This contains full payment, customer and order information.
Every order should also be stored in the FastCart Orders Database, which you can view from the Control Panel.
If you do not know what the customer has ordered:
1) Check the Online Orders database |
You can view orders online from the View Orders page. Make sure you select the correct date range to view all orders. |
2) If orders are not showing |
You have not completed the first part of the FastCart setup (the Payment Response). Go to the Quickstart Setup Guide and follow the instructions given. In particlar, ensure you make the test transactions and that you receive the emails from FastCart and that the orders are stored in the FastCart Online Orders database. |
3) If orders are showing but you do not receive emails from FastCart |
Check that you have entered an email address in the Company Details page. If you have an email address set up here, then emails will have been sent. If you have not received these, there will be a problem with your email address. See the Missing Emails page for more information. |
If the order is not in the Online Orders database, and you have not received emails, this will be because your Payment Response was not set up. FastCart will have no records of the transaction. You will need to contact the shopper regarding the order.